Automated Live Receptionist

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Speexch™ Pricing

  • 24/7 COVERAGE

Charged Per Billing Cycle

  • $30.00 = Subscriber Mailbox.
  • $12.00 = Directory Mailbox.
  • $10.00 = Announce-Only Mailbox - Stand-Alone.

Addon Features

Save $20.00 on Activation and Configuration Charge when any of these features are added at Initial Sign-up for Subscriber or Directory Mailboxes.

  • $   1.00 = Announce-Only Mailbox. ??
  • $   5.00 = Shared User.   Another User sharing the same Subscriber Mailbox using the same passcode.  This includes an additional 3 text attempts per user on each caller while holding.
  • $   5.00 = Increased Contact Attempts.  A text notification will be sent every minute while caller is holding.
  • $   5.00 = Extend Hold 5.  Five (5) minutes of additional hold time per caller.
  • $  10.00 = Extend Hold 15.  Fifteen (15) minutes of additional hold time per caller.
  • $   5.00 = Extend Patch 5.  Five (5) minutes of additional patch (connect) time per caller.
  • $  10.00 = Extend Patch 15.  Fifteen (15) minutes of additional patch (connect) time per caller.
  • $   8.00 = Additional Callers.  Ten (10) additional simultaneous callers per Subscriber Mailbox.

One-Time Charge
  • $20.00 = Activation and Configuration charge per Subscriber Mailbox.
  • $20.00 = Activation and Configuration charge per Directory Mailbox.
  • $20.00 = Activation and Configuration charge per Announce-Only Mailbox -Stand-Alone.
  • $20.00 = Activation and Configuration charge PER order on any Addon Features ordered AFTER activation of mailbox.  (This charge is waived when Addon Features are ordered at the same time with Subscriber and Directory Mailboxes.)
  • $99.99 = Virtual Office Customization Design

Subscriber Mailbox  Standard Features
  • This mailbox is the hub where most of your activities take place.
  • This is where you are patched (connected) to the caller.
  • This is where messages are left, listened and where you can forward it to another subscriber/user.
  • You are assigned an exclusive DID number.

  • One subscriber per Subscriber Mailbox. ??
  • As an option, you can have additional Shared Users sharing the same Subscriber Mailbox. ??
  • 6 minutes Hold Time per caller.??
  • 5 minutes Patch Time per caller.??
  • 3 text attempts at 2 minute intervals per caller waiting on hold.??
  • Up to six (6) callers can be all on the same line at the same time. ??  This includes the subscriber and other user(s).

Directory Mailbox  Features
  • This mailbox announces to the caller what extension to press.
  • This mailbox can have up to nine (9) Directory Extensions.
  • An extension can be a Subscriber Mailbox, another Directory Mailbox or an Announce-Only Mailbox.
  • You are assigned an exclusive DID number.

Announce-Only Mailbox - Stand Alone
  • This mailbox is used only for announcements only.  They can be used to inform the caller of office hours, directions, locations, addresses or any special announcements.
  • You can customize this and change it at any time.
  • You are assigned an exclusive DID number.

Three Basic Plans

  • One (1) Subscriber Mailbox
  • $30.00 = Subscriber Mailbox per Billing Cycle.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration.

  • One (1) Directory Mailbox.
  • Up to nine (9) Directory Extensions as Announce-Only Feature, Subscriber Mailbox or another Directory Mailbox.

  • $   1.00 = Announce-Only Feature.
  • $20.00 - One-time Activation and Configuration per Announce-Only Feature.

  • $30.00 = Subscriber Mailbox per Billing Cycle.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration per Subscriber Mailbox.

  • $12.00 = Directory Mailbox per Billing Cycle.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration per Directory Mailbox.

  • $99.99 = Consultation and assistance for customized design.

  • $   1.00 = Announce-Only Feature.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration per Announce-Only Feature.

  • $30.00 = Subscriber Mailbox per Billing Cycle.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration per Subscriber Mailbox.

  • $ 12.00 = Directory Mailbox per Billing Cycle.
  • $20.00 = One-time Activation and Configuration per Directory Mailbox.

  • This customized plan can have as many Subscriber Mailboxes as you need with its necessary Directory Mailboxes and as many Announce-Only Features.
  • We can provide you consultation and assistance in mapping out telephone callflow design.
Always there to answer your call™

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